About Our Wines
By establishing strong relationships with vineyard managers that produce excellent fruit, my winemaking practice is able to concentrate on expressing the unique varietal character and delicate nuances. Use of organic ingredients in the winery, controlled extraction techniques, and moderate barrel influence all contribute to the freshness and natural mouthfeel of the finished wine

After beginning a career in technology in 1984, my home winemaking education began with trips to update New York to learn from my cousin, Sammy Russo. Then in 1998 I purchased all the basic equipment required to make at least enough wine to fill and top a 59-gallon oak barrel. The career in tech and home winemaking transitioned to retirement from tech and professional winemaking in 2021.
The only logical next step was the move to make my wine in California, starting with the 2021 and 2022 vintages in Santa Rosa in Sonoma County, followed by the move to St. Helena in Napa Valley starting in 2023.